Category: Single-view stereoscopes
Unis France Stereoscope
A basic Unis France hand-held stereoscope. With this stereoscope, Mattey offered a simple stereoscope for an affordable price.
Stéréoscope Pliant de Poche
Stéréoscope Pliant de Poche is a simple compact and foldable viewer. When folded, the viewer has the size of glasses.
Pantoscope à double socle
The Pantoscope was probably introduced by Maison Fouquet around 1890.
L’Omnium is a portable hand-held stereoscope.
Achromatic Stereoscope
R & J Beck’s Achromatic Stereoscope is a tabletop stereoscope for viewing paper card and glass stereoviews.
Mirror Stereoscope
The Mirror Stereoscope was specially designed for viewing paper stereoviews that were mounted in a book.
Mascher viewing case
The Mascher viewing case is a foldable stereoscope for viewing stereo daguerreotypes.
Verant 9 x 18
The Verant is a solid stereoscope that was manufactured by Carl Zeiss Jena.
Duboscq-Soleil stereoscope
An early Brewster-type stereoscope with prismatic lenses. The viewer has a rare pull-out drawer in which the stereoviews are placed.…