Category: Single-view stereoscopes
Stéréoscope format 6×13
An attractive looking hand-held stereoscope with a burr veneer finish.
Stéréoscope Standard
The Stéréoscope Standard is a feature-rich hand-held viewer.
Stéréoscope à main
Le Stéréoscope à main is a Mackenstein labeled hand-held stereoscope that was manufactured by Mattey.
Jumelle Lux
La Jumelle Lux is a compact, binocular-shaped stereoscope.
Claudet stereoscope
Antoine Claudet was not only renowned for his high-quality hand-coloured (stereo) daguerrotypes, but he also patented stereoscope improvements.
Kilburn viewing case
The Kilburn viewing case was designed by William Edward Kilburn.
Stereo graphoscope
Negretti and Zambra’s stereo graphoscope.
Stéréoscope à doucine
Le Stéréoscope à doucine is a deluxe hand-held stereoscope with a burr walnut finish.
The Doppelverant is a stereoscope for viewing glass and paper card stereoviews.