Category: Stereoscopes
Mascher viewing case
The Mascher viewing case is a foldable stereoscope for viewing stereo daguerreotypes.
Verant 9 x 18
The Verant is a solid stereoscope that was manufactured by Carl Zeiss Jena.
Taxiphote 1bis
The Taxiphote 1bis is a sophisticated tray-based stereoscope for 6 x 13 cm glass stereoviews.
Duboscq-Soleil stereoscope
An early Brewster-type stereoscope with prismatic lenses. The viewer has a rare pull-out drawer in which the stereoviews are placed.…
“Le Nain”
Le Nain is a curious viewer. “Le Nain” means dwarf in French, and it emphasises the compact design of the…
Verant 9 x 15
The Verant is a solid stereoscope that was manufactured by Carl Zeiss Jena.
The Hand-stereobetrachter is a 9 x 18 cm hand-held stereoscope that was manufactured by Ernemann from Dresden.
Taxiphote Simplifié
The Taxiphote Simplifié is a simpler version of the advanced Taxiphote. The stereoscope was introduced by Jules Richard in 1908.
Magazin Stereobetrachter
The Magazin Stereobetrachter is a tray-based multi-view stereoscope that was manufactured by Ernemann.