Category: Company profiles

  • Fouquet


    The Fouquet company had a long history and was founded in 1834.

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  • Mattey


    Mattey was one of the leading manufacturers of stereoscopes in France.

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  • Hemdé


    Hemdé was a trademark for photography accessories and stereoscopes.

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  • Lucien Bize

    Lucien Bize

    Lucien Bize was an engineer who designed a range of innovative and compact stereoscopes in the early 20th century.

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  • Francis Frith

    Francis Frith

    Francis Frith was an English photographer and publisher.

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  • Mackenstein


    The story of Mackenstein is inextricably linked to the wars between France and Germany.

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  • Jules Richard

    Jules Richard

    Jules Richard introduced the compact 45 x 107 mm glass format and the Vérascope stereo camera in 1893.

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  • Bazin, Leroy and Guérin

    Bazin, Leroy and Guérin

    Charles Bazin partnered with Lucien Leroy, and together they introduced in 1897 Le Stéréocycle.

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