Tag: War
Alfred Charbonnier
Alfred Charbonnier (1884–1957) was part of the machine gun section of the 53rd Infantry Regiment during the First World War.
Collodion negatives of a French soldier
A collection of three 13 x 18 cm collodion negatives of a French soldier. The large size and the use of…
La Section Photographique de l’Armée
La Section Photographique de l’Armée (SPA) was a French unit of war photographers.
Guerre 1914 Stereoscope
The Guerre 1914 stereoscope is a Stéréoscope à Chaîne model.
Stéréoscope monétaire
Le stéréoscope monétaire is a chain-based or revolving stereoscope that is activated by inserting a coin.
Le Platoscope is a basic stereo camera that was made by an unknown manufacturer.
Le Miroir
Le Miroir showed a one-sided and chauvinistic image of the First World War.
La Stéréoscopie Universelle
La Stéréoscopie Universelle was a trademark of Paul Rolland. His company was one of the largest manufacturers of war stereoviews.
A stereoview shows the advance of the French army in Audignicourt.